Many parishioners may not be aware of our wonderful group of women in the Prayer Shawl Ministry here at St. Luke’s. Before the pandemic, they would meet once a month in our Parish Center to knit or crochet their own shawl creations. When finished, they pray over each shawl, attach a St. Luke medal to them and give them to our Outreach program. The purpose of these beautiful, hand knit shawls, is to provide comfort to those who are suffering, those who are in mourning, or those who just need to know they are very much loved.
If you know of someone who would love to be wrapped in a spiritual hug, of a beautiful prayer shawl, please contact us. We can either deliver the shawl to you or, arrange for you to pick it up in the Church.
If you are interested in getting a shawl, please email a request to: [email protected]. Please note that no two are alike. If you can, a small donation would be greatly appreciated. All donations go towards the purchase of the yarn.